Monday, September 15, 2008

I'm here

that's where i am.

Updates soon.



xbunnyx said...

haha, i know xx

xOurBrokenHeartsx said...

Phew! Thought we'd lost you! Didn't think to look here ;o)

Annie said...

awesome.. i missed you x.x

Alex said...

Thanks God you here))))))))
Waiting for the news


Sonya said...

How did I not see you right there? Blonde moment. X

Xin Yi said...

good to know! because if you disappear, you wouldn't be able to come back to Singapore. and when that happens, i can't bring you for local food like i said i would!


oldenuff2burmum said...

Greetings and Salutations El Cunto!!!!
x x x x

miss m said...

Thought you were out lookin at cars at the time you wrote this

Nicki said...
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Andrea said...

Evasive as usual then... ;)

KerryIsTheDynamite said...

yer youv been away for long enough dudee

looking forward to the updates obvv :)

random i know but iv only just noticed the "posted by" bits at the end of each blog.

omg i sat singing going underground (i only really knew the song causa the lostprophets cover) full pelt in my mates mum car on the way back from a party on saturday night. i think i was making up my own words though haha. i was wrecked :L

Maxz said...

That's a relief. I thought you were "there". How silly I was =P.

IThinkISawTheSkyTonight said...

Thats another load off my mind ;)

WelshRocker said...
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WelshRocker said...

lol, WOW! very insightful!

Anonymous said...

your blog is lame.

this is how it's done properly:

deathangel said...

glad to see the aliens got fed up with you and brought you back! gr8 now get blogging you blogger. ;-)

Deeeeenis said...

Brazil are waiting for you! ;)

~ Gaby ~ said...

haha the words: how can i miss you if you wont go away come into mind...

nvrgrwoldnvrdie said...

hi there!!!! hunnnn!!!!
hope youve been relaxing and taking a wee break from things, nice to know youve not been abducted by aliens or shot in the head by Jamie (ref jamies blog lol), cant wait for your next wee snippet of news,


love n hugs


ruya said...

looking forward to the updates!!

Love from Hong Kong:)

Anonymous said...

oh there you are.

miss m said...
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AnLinå°‡ said...


miss m said...
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theoneandonly said...

i knew it. i'm here as well.

peppa pig said...

and there was me thinking you were under my duvet



George Dugdale said...

Nice to know you are alive and well...

Count Natula said...

Sounds like someones been watching Austin powers!

Miss V. said...

I saw you in Hong Kong, you guys were incredible. I still can't believe I saw you in the flesh :) You looked exhausted though, hopefully you've had a good rest.

I hate to sound cheesy and I know you get this a lot, but your songs put a smile on my face on my hardest days.

Lots of love,

deathangel said...


Fashion Conscious Suicide said...
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Charlotte said...
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Charlotte said...

I don't know if she is your new gf but Jo seems really nice, and even though it's none of my business or anyone elses it also seems she has had a bit of a tough time lately but you must be lucky to have a friend like her

Hugs to you both



kateapril81 said...
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shuanghong said...

ian! i can't believe you guys are gonna be on guitar hero.

that's awesome.

that definitely helped made up my mind whether to purchase the game or not.

miss m said...
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Summer said...

Hey there Ianou! Great to see you at Rock En Seine even though the gig was a bit shitty haha. Too bad we didn't meet afterwards like you told me!
See ya soon werewolf,
Nathalie (the french journalist, your favorite)

kateapril81 said...

Good evening. I'm curious ... what people write to You in "deleted comments"?
And, hey, Are You sure You're still HERE?

Camila said...

you probably may never read this but i still remember meeting you at the quest in minneapolis back when i was in junior high. lyKe whAt~

deathangel said...

give us a sign!!!

Holly said...


Six said...

And like..where are you now?? x)

nvrgrwoldnvrdie said...

oooohhhh!!!!! its nearly halloween, so what ya doin for it??? dressing up whilst your doing your DJing or what :D


K said...

Any danger of you doing any dj sets south of the M4 as i can't get to the Swansea one and have a neeeeed to bogie!?

Richie Rich said...

You get all the best birds, that Jo is fit and funny as f#@k. Nice one mate

Anonymous said...

you're a fantastic person
for everything you 're doing

laprincesadehiel0 said...

But... I'm here too, and I can't see you!
Good luck with your new album, but ... it won't be better than LT, because it's just perfect! -kidding!
I'm impatient, I'm sure it will be great... and I'm not buttering you up!
I love your lyrics

Josh said...

This new album better be like Start Something which is your best in my book. I like Liberation but its not as good as Start Something. Keep up good work. Come to Ohio

Emmy said...

la la la have you seen 24 redemption yet? 'Twas on Sky1 the other day, and we had a 24 partay. May I say....Brillo pads....?!!??!!

miss m said...
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Kirstie Jones said...

updates thennn

FUNK said...

"I'm here

that's where i am.

Updates soon.

x "

El Oh El.

Unknown said...

Hey Ian! Happy New Year! Long time since the gig in Hong Kong but I've truly treasured that experience seeing you guys and even TALKING to you guys. Don't get that chance often in HK since no bands ever come here.

So, thanks for the autographs. Have a nice year! UPDATE SOON

xxx one of the long-haired chinese girls who asked for a hug.

Maxz said...

Longest soon update ever.

andreajane said...
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andreajane said...

Ian,love you dearly but please will you get your hair cut.You dont look so hot with it long.xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Annie said...

between all the people i know, you are the king of empty or even broken promisses. here is your crown. congratulations!

needle-art-emmy said...

where's your update ian..?

miss m said...
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George Dugdale said...
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